Saturday, March 13, 2010

It is to me so very important thing to acknowledge my coming up short in area of writing the words on my blog.  You see my brother, the one and the very same to whom I have aforementioned was to be coming out from of prison, but we had the communication with important official to say he will have more time to be thinking about his life decisions.

I have had momentous time dealing with emotion that is overwhelming me with sensing of disappointedness at the news.  I am in the place of embattlement I find it hard to shake.  My mother has even been to see the priest.  She say to him how can this be happening for sure Volodya has been learning his lessons?  The priest who is of a wise disposition she tell to her these words.  "If you can't serve the time don't do the crime."  What words of comfort are those?  My mother was not happy.  As she proceeded to beat this priest the local militsia were happening to be coming past in 4x4 vehicle and stopped and put her in the trunk. 

For 2 months she was in home for incalcitrant grandmothers.  This is upsetting to me because how can they say she is grandmother when my marriage to Olga has been most unproductive.  But there is in my heart joy because in a few days she will be normalised and allow back in society. 

So there it is my business plan have been put in the hold for this time, but I know that soon I will be back on the streets of my beautiful city taking back my place as great tour guide.  Then you can visit to this place and I will accept your condolences with humility that you have heard of my struggles.  You will say to me," Anton Petrovich, you have been through so much, and we are so sorry for this, please take some of this hard currency, see how crisp the bills are and that they are not more than a couple of years old.  It is all we have but maybe it will help you to fight injustice in your most beautiful city."  And I will tell to you,  "yes".