Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beware Babushka

It is a very important part of being number one tour guide that means I take very serioulsly the task of letting my clients be knowing of things important to make holidays in Voronezh most perfect and SAFE.

It is in being concerned for well beings of tourist that  I have decided to inform to you how is best to be handling our grandmothers.  Also I am having the time on my fingers why because Olga will not be allowing myself for the time being to depart from the apartment.  She tell to me "The next time you are being all of the night in street drunk and singing old communist songs in you will never be eating or partaking of any type of companionship here in our home."  So here I am under the table hiding while my lovely wife watches favorite movie Rambo.

I think you will be surprising to hear that our grandmothers who we call here babushkas are not very soft.  I know it is incredible but it is true.  They can look like maybe they are soft to the touch but really they are not.  When you give them a poke or squeeze you can see that they are very solid and not squishy at all.  Anton, Anton you are saying, why are telling to us this news?  Why is it very important?  It is because if you do not understand the mind of the babushka then you may not long survive in this most beautiful city.  Please do try and be of close attentiveness to what I tell to you next.

They are everywhere always they be looking, and looking some more.  They have to them many tricks up their bulging sleeves.  You will be attentive in noticing them always in groups maybe is only group of two maybe is group of five maybe more.  It is seldom been seeing one on its own, except to say in between the travel from one group of babushki to one other group of babushki.  Information does travel with swiftness among these imparticular beings.

It is difficult to say for whom they be working for.  But mark this foreign guest.  They will be watching to you, and if you have the behaviour which is to be found offensive, they will tell to you this very much so.  You can not be escaping the gaze of the babushki.

They will be monitoring your every coming and your every going to places near and far.  If you stay in prestigious hotel they will be knowing this, yet also if you be staying in shack they know also, and if you are in apartment you must pass by them everytime you enter and exit from building.  You may visit market, store, canteen, post office, opera theatre, they see you.   Even if you find you are angered by their cold dark stares you must not be getting into physical positions with them.  They will break you, do not try this as I say before this, they are not squishy.

Please do not let them stop you from embarking on most amazing journey to beautiful city of Voronezh.  I am containing within myself the knowledge to deal with the omnipotent and omniscient babushka.  It is knowledge that has been hard earned but I am generous in passing it onto you.  So when you come to be my guest you will say you are glad you have Anton as tour guide he really is the best I hope only good things for him and the developmentalness of his business.  Such a shame we will not be able to meet his nice brother.

Of course I say thank you for your thoughts so kind, but also I pass on many thanks to tram driver institute for such fine education I have received at there.  Maybe you will like to be visiting it also.

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